Hi Everyone,
I hardly have energy to type this right now, because I never feel like my words do my experiences justice! But I am loving Sobral. I love it here because it has been the first time in a year that I have seen mountains; they are so beautiful. I must confess that two times this week I got ready to go proselyting and my companion looked at me and said, “I am not going to go outside with you dressed like that!” Haha, I know I am a representative of Christ and all, but I have just lost all motivation and I just throw on whatever skirt that is the least hot and walk out the door. I just started laughing so hard. It has been hilarious how I just don't care anymore and it’s too hot here to even care! I am grateful for my companion, we are such good friends.
This past week we asked a member to make visits with us and she called us and asked if she could bring her 17 year-old friend along with her. We told her sure, of course, and we came to find out that her friend wasn't even a member! Haha, it was the coolest thing because our first lesson we taught was the Plan of Salvation, and the second lesson was on the Restoration. When we would leave every lesson she just was so curious and asked questions and became so interested in the gospel. She went to church the next day; it was a first here on the mission, but it was so cool!
My companion and I were praying together last week, and while we prayed, we specifically asked to be an answer to someone’s prayer that day. It is the hope and wish of every missionary, every day, but something felt different that day as we specifically asked. That day we ran into so many people that, when we talked and before we left, said that we were an answer to their prayers, and every time it touched my heart to know that our prayers were answered as well.
It was cute because Sister Johnson is new here, and is asking me a bunch of tips about things. It’s just funny because she asks and a lot of my answers are so not helpful because I just say, “give it time, have patience and everything will start to change for the better”. I got to thinking and I am so grateful that I had to learn a new language, and even a new culture, because I have had to learn so, so, so much patience. I have learned to just be positive in the moment, with hope for the future … it makes all the difference. So many things to say and so little time … I simply love you all and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving (we don't celebrate it here, but I am still remembering to be grateful every day for all that I have been given). Be thankful for running water because the water went out again this morning and we are back to bucket showers! Hahaha … I love my mission.
Love you all!
Sister Vance
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