Monday, March 20, 2017

He Hears and Answers Us

Hi Everyone!

Before my Grandma Gueller or my parents kill me for that bat picture below, I need to explain. Haha, this week we had two more bats and I am the designated bat trapper. I like the “catch and release” method, but with this bat, I tried to throw it and let it fly and be free, but I think it was half dead or something and when I threw it, it just face planted on the sidewalk below! I was screaming! I killed a cute little baby bat! It is still lying there … and it haunts me every day. I hope you all enjoy the Nat Geo status photos that I captured. I never knew a bat looked like that! Anyway …

This was another good week out here in the field. I was in a house that had cold and HOT water, and I also saw my first ice cube since I’ve been in Brazil! Let’s just say that I was way too excited about it … haha, but it really is the little things people! I only got lost in my area a few times this week, which is a big deal because we are talking about someone who always got lost at home, even with a smart phone and google maps. There are no road signs here or anything! Speaking of roads, this week I think I broke a rule in the missionary handbook (no swimming), because we were literally swimming in the roads, as the water was up to my thigh in some places. It was so fun. When I have these adventures with bats or drowning in the rain, I am just always so happy because this is exactly what I wanted in my mission, and I do love a good adventure!

Lima is our miracle investigator. She is the one that was sick in bed, but felt better when we met her. She told us that she couldn’t come to church the next two Sundays because her husband will be out of town, and we were really bummed. We prayed and prayed that somehow she would be able to come. Saturday night we were with her and teaching her about tithing, and I shared a personal experience about my Grandpa Gueller. He always paid his tithing even when funds were short, and when his 4 or 5 kids wanted to serve missions, somehow there was always money and he didn’t know where it came from. She then said, I feel so grateful because of your grandfather and your parents and you paying tithing. I have this wonderful book in my hands and I have you two here changing my life! I never have gotten emotional or really felt the Spirit about tithing, but in that moment I truly gained such a strong testimony of the blessings and importance of tithing.

When we were leaving she said, “wait, I almost forgot, my husband needed to return home from his trip early because there were some problems and miscommunication with his work, and I can come to church tomorrow with you guys”! I had to stop myself from screaming. She came to church with us and our branch was really accepting and it was just so perfect.

I know that Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers. That is such a simple statement, but it is so true. I have witnessed that with my sister this past week, as we witnessed a miracle, an absolute miracle with her knee. We Vance girls always know when we tear our ACL’s. After you’ve done it a few times, YOU JUST KNOW. We prayed for a miracle that it would be healed, and she is so righteous and so deserving of this miracle and it was granted. I am so happy, and so grateful for the opportunity I have to witness miracles here in the mission and back home. I love you all, and I know that we can constantly be looking for the miracles in our life, they truly are everywhere!


Sister Vance

p.s. Yes, my mission presidents is dabbing in the photo below … and, no, it was not intentional. He has no idea what he did, but now this picture is legendary!

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